Current Transformers (CTs)
PJW have access to a comprehensive range of Current Transformers, ranging from 1-12000A:
- Solid (CTs with a solid core)
- Split (CTs that can simply be clipped around a cable, saving the need to disconnect, or interfere with existing cables).
- Summation (CTs which allow for the monitoring of up to 27 single phase, or 9 three-phase circuits from a single device)

- Rope CT/ Rogowski Coil (Flexible CTs for challenging installation scenarios)

- Wireless (Panoramic Power- no cables = no downtime! Self-powered, for non-invasive installations)

- CT Chambers- Standard, LV COP5 and HV COP5 (for UKPN, and DNOs)

Visit our Resource Hub for our core product datasheets and product images.
Need more info or want to arrange a consultation?
Call: 01626 368595 or email